Your Legal Compass in Moscow

Clients are our priority.
As a professional lawyer based in Moscow, I offer extensive legal services to foreigners dealing with various legal issues. Whether you are facing challenges with real estate transactions, securities, money transfers, property division during divorce proceedings, or other legal matters, I am here to provide expert assistance. With my in-depth knowledge of both Russian and international law, I can guide you through the complex legal landscape, ensuring your interests are protected. Trust your legal needs to a seasoned professional who understands the intricacies of cross-border legal issues. Let me help you navigate through your legal problems with ease and confidence.

*The first consultation is always free

Useful information

how to hire a lawyer in Moscow and not spend money in vain?
In order for the work to start quickly and efficiently, we advise you to follow a few simple rules:

1) Get ready! Collect all the documents that relate to your question. Letters, lawsuits, responses from government agencies, photos and videos. The more complete the information is immediately received by the lawyer, the faster we will begin to solve your problem.

2) Define the goal! Of course, a lawyer will tell you what options there are. But if you yourself clearly define the goal you want to achieve, it will speed up and simplify the work.

3) Be honest and open. Your lawyer works for you and only for you. Therefore, it is not necessary to withhold any information. This can harm the work in the future. For my part, I guarantee that you will receive honest answers to all questions.
what kind of services can I get?
My experience and qualifications allow me to provide you with any legal services — from consulting to representation in court on a turnkey basis. The only area I don't work with is criminal law.

You need to start with a consultation. It is better to write so that you can return to this information after a while. I will give you an understanding of what can be achieved, what are the chances and what time and financial costs it will require. In order for my assessment to be as accurate as possible, I will need all the information on your question.

The first, free consultation can be obtained both during a telephone conversation and in correspondence in the messenger. To do this, click on the button on this site under the topic you are interested in and leave a request.
how is the price of legal services formed in general?
In the world legal practice, it is customary to pay lawyers in several possible ways:

Hourly payment. You pay for the lawyer's hours of work on your case. For example, writing a simple claim takes 1 hour. But a lawsuit requiring deep knowledge on a complex case is being developed in 4 hours of work. The cost of an hour of work is 5 thousand rubles. Accordingly, you will pay 5 thousand for a simple claim, and 20 thousand for the development of a complex claim. This form of payment is fair enough, but for the client it is possible to find out the final cost of legal services only at the end of the work. Sometimes it can unpleasantly surprise the client. This payment method is most common in Europe and the USA. I do not use this payment method.

Payment for an action. For example, you need a lawsuit in court. The cost of writing a regular claim is 3 thousand rubles. If the case is complicated, there are many nuances in it — the price can be increased. This payment method is the most common in Russia. You immediately know how much you will pay for this or that
what does "success fee" mean?
There are situations when your funds are blocked or are in the possession of another person. For such cases, "Payment for the result" is used. Under an agreement with a lawyer, you will make the payment when the result is achieved — for example, your money will be returned to you by the court, or a decision will be made in your favor on the division of jointly acquired property.

I am ready to work under this payment scheme in some cases. The final price for you will be higher than with other options, but you will pay only when success has already been achieved. Payment for the result concerns the cost of the lawyer's services — state fees and other expenses related to the case (for example, if an expert examination is needed in the case) are paid by the client.

How to collect evidence?

Evidence is an important part of the legal process.

- "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove." Law-abiding citizen

Properly collected evidence will allow us to defend your rights and legitimate interests.

Is a conflict brewing?

Try to "leave traces". Letters are rarely written now, but the best thing to do is to send a letter. Be sure to keep a receipt for sending and a copy of the letter. If you communicate with government agencies, demand a written response. If you apply anywhere, send your requirements in writing.

What if there is evidence, but it is in electronic form?

Information on the website, correspondence in the messenger, email — all this CAN and SHOULD be proof. We will tell you how to properly record such evidence and how you can use it.

Record everything

All relevant events matter. Record everything that happens, collect data related to you. Try to write down what happened, when, in what circumstances, who can confirm it. Don't put it off for later.

The best evidence is written

The courts accept documents best of all. Therefore, if you pay someone, keep receipts. Try to conduct any communication that may become conflicting in writing. Do not hesitate to clarify and ask again. Save not only letters, but also envelopes — they contain important information about the dates of sending and receiving the letter by the addressee.

The court can help

The court's request to demand proof is mandatory for the official or citizen to whom it is addressed. Failure to comply with the court's requirement leads to a fine.

The judge has the right to assist the parties in collecting the necessary evidence, to demand, at their request, written and material evidence from citizens or organizations, as well as to issue a binding request for evidence to be submitted to the court.

Therefore, if a violation of your rights is recorded anywhere, such evidence can and should be claimed.


Are there suspicions that the goods are of poor quality?

Perhaps the signature in the contract is fake?

Need to understand what damage has been done and for what amount?

Experts can give a reasonable answer to these and many other questions.

Forensic examination

This is a procedural action that is performed by a specialist at the request of the court. The parties have the right to ask questions to the expert (we will help you ask the right questions).
The examination has no pre-established force for the court.

What types of examinations are there?

Handwriting — will establish who wrote or signed the document. Medical — will answer questions related to health. Examination of the quality of the product — will give an answer whether the product is safe, whether it is of high quality, whether the product is original or fake. Auto technical expertise — will establish the circumstances of the accident, assess the condition of the components and assemblies of the vehicle. Genetic examination — will allow you to establish kinship. And this is not a complete list of existing expertise.

Who pays for the examination?

As a general rule, the examination is paid by the party that requested it. To pay for the examination, it is possible to deposit funds into a special deposit account. At the same time, the cost of the examination may eventually be attributed to court costs and will be recovered from the guilty party.


The parent with whom the child lives has the right to collect alimony. Alimony payments are made either voluntarily, by agreement (which may be notarial), or by a court decision (by a court order of a justice of the peace or a district court - if the second parent has objected).

The Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) is engaged in the collection of alimony.

What amount of alimony is required to pay by law?

If the debtor has a permanent place of work and a stable income — in the amount of 1/4 of all his income (25%); If alimony is collected for two children, then the share increases to 1/3 of all his income (33%).

If the debtor does not have a permanent job and stable earnings — in a fixed amount that the court will assign according to the subsistence minimum for the region;

If the debtor's earnings are of a non–permanent nature or withholding only as a percentage is difficult - in a combined form (half of the alimony will be withheld as a percentage, and the second part in a fixed amount).

Alimony from the state

If the parent does not pay alimony, then there is a procedure for assigning payments from the state. Their size is small, but such payments will be made until the child comes of age.

"Housing" child support

There is a norm in the Family Code of the Russian Federation that makes it possible to demand not only alimony for a child, but also payments for additional expenses related to his upbringing and maintenance.

Now it is possible to demand payment for rent or rental housing if the parent and child do not have their own housing where they can live, and there is no money to buy it. The recovery of these expenses is carried out through the court.

Such additional payments can be collected if a notarial agreement on alimony has not been concluded. The amount of "housing" does not depend on the size of the "basic" alimony.

In addition to paying for rental housing, you can collect additional costs associated with a serious illness of the child, constant care for him, in case of other life circumstances.

Filing a lawsuit in court

Filing a lawsuit in court

First of all

It is necessary to collect and systematize all the information on the case:
- what happened, when, under what circumstances
- what rights have been violated, how can this be confirmed
- what damage has been done, as we see the correction of the situation by the court
- what norms guarantee the rights and what norms and judicial practice prove the possibility of compensation / coercion to certain actions of the defendant


If the Law requires a mandatory pre-trial procedure, it is necessary to make a pre-trial claim


A statement of claim is drawn up, we attach a package of documents to it, including evidence in the case, receipts for payment of state duty, copies of materials for the parties, and send them to the court.



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ITN: 772796654170